Ask questions about how your pet will be transported

There are 3 options for traveling with your pet:

Go with you or a guardian on the same flight

  • Cabin
  • Basement

Travel alone

  • Shipping as live cargo

In the cabin

Normally, airlines accept up to 8kg (Animal + transport box).

Each airline has its rules regarding the number of animals per passenger, weight allowed, size (height, width and length) and seats available to take the pet.

The request to reserve the space for the animal must be made in advance.

Different rules apply to guide and emotional assistance dogs.

In each case, the company's service fees are charged. aerial.

They must go in the transport box (each airline has its specification of the size of the animals allowed).

In the trunk

In the luggage compartment, animals that exceed the limit of 8 kg or the allowed size of the pet (animal + transport box).

Each airline has its own rules regarding the number of animals per passenger, weight, size, etc.

The pet reservation request must be made in advance.

In each case, the company's service fees are charged. aerial.

They must go in the transport box (each airline has its specification of the size of the animals allowed).

Like live load

It is that transport that the pet travels alone, that is, without the company of the tutor or a responsible companion.

In these cases, the service is only contracted and booked by a Brazilian customs agent. The animal must be delivered at the departure airport and picked up by the tutor at the destination airport.

In some countries it is necessary to hire a Brooker (customs agent) to release the pet.